New Camping Technology Website
Client: EcoSimmer electric backpacking stove.
Audience: According to pre-launch market research, the target market was 28-37-year-old single males who are hard-core outdoorsy, live within 100 miles of the wilderness, and take frequent day trips.
Challenge: Introduce this new technology to the camping world by showing 1. EcoSimmer’s benefits to the person (fast, easy, light) and 2. it’s benefits to the environment (no fire starts, no propane tanks).
Tone: Dependable, Trustworthy, Approachable, Innovative, In-Touch with Nature, Adventurous
Strategy: There’s a very small overlap between Techie and Nature-Lover, but the target audience lives in that part of the Venn diagram, and they care about measurements, details, and usability. I’ve included the FAQ here because this audience LOVES their FAQs – it was important to provide details for credibility but still keep the information digestible with shorter sentences and bullet points. Playing on the tech-lovers’ need to be on the cutting-edge, I used “world’s first” and “we did something about it” phrasing. But I also needed to connect this product to the deeper reason they go into the wild (freedom) with “just you and nature” and “simmer anywhere.”
Design by: Doha Fernandez
Product Page & FAQ

Homepage Elements & Pop-Up

Graphic Design Website
Client: Zara Armstrong Design Studio creates personalized design solutions for brands.
Audience: Mostly millennial women and lifestyle brands, small business owners, and influencers/bloggers.
Challenge: Write a full website that expressed the high-quality, boutique experience of working with Zara with a secondary goal of inspiring her audience to invest in their business through design. (Home, Services & Footer not shown here but Contact me if you’d like to see them!)
Tone: Sincere, Cozy, Casual but Bespoke, Passionate & Detailed, not Salesy or Pushy.
Strategy: I incorporated the themes of Storytelling, Investing in Connection, and Personalized Brand Identity throughout the website. Zara’s clients wouldn’t respond well to “I make you money”-type phrases. They want to tell their story, express their passions, and have an authentic experience with their own customers. I used the words “timeless, bespoke, boutique, and polished” to set the tone of exclusivity and quality but balanced them out with more casual language like “take a look, hi, quick note” to keep Zara accessible and down-to-earth. Another subtle theme throughout is how Zara uses analytical methods to turn dreams and goals into visual works of art — for example: “thinking made visual” and “bringing design dreams to life.”
Design by: Zara Armstrong
Portfolio Page

About Page

Marketing Company Website
Client: The Kindred Method LLC. specializes in a range of marketing both digital and on physical billboards.
Audience: Small business owners in the Mojave/Mohave region (California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah). Four audiences: 1) First-time, young-ish female entrepreneurs who have an idea for a product/service but aren’t sure how to get started. 2) Small to mid-sized business owner who survived tourism shortages throughout COVID and wants to relaunch now with something big. 3) The overwhelmed boss who knows they’ve got to change something but doesn’t have the time to figure it out. Much of the audience is older, possibly not tech-savvy, and they definitely don’t have time for fancy jargon.
Challenge: Create one homepage that caters to all three audiences, then specific pages for each. Draw the customer in, get their attention, explain what Kindred Method is (and isn’t), and then convince them to book a call.
Tone: Quirky/Real, To-the-Point/Direct, Personal, Passionate/Compassionate, Credible
Strategy: This copy needed to be as bold and confident as Kayla herself. No fluff. I used some purposeful clichés (“Lean Mean Selling Machine”) and colloquial language (“Where you’re at”) to make her older audience feel a sense of familiarity. Then mixed in some swear words to keep them off balance and interested. Since the audience lives in the unforgiving desert, they’re tough and savvy. Some of them might question the authority of a pink-haired lady telling them about business, so I wrote confidence and compassion in equal measure. The vibe is “I’m one of you” but also “I’m here to kick some ass, and – if you’re smart – you’ll come along for the ride.”
Design by: Kayla Fuller

Entrepreneur-Focused Page