About Why You Should Work With Me

Your Brand + My Copy = Your Audience Clamoring for More

I am equal parts scientific method and wild imagination. Good news for you: my polar-opposite passions are ideal for copywriting!

I thrive on using meticulous strategy to reach your goals and delight in the creativity it takes to discover an impactful way to express your message.


-Forged in the fires of market research
-Calendar, phone alarm, list-making fiend
-Let me just quintuple check this…


-Sometimes inspiration is one stroll away
-Out of my 1431 ideas, here are the best 3
-Oops! I created lore and a backstory

As a former market research team leader, I learned in-depth about target audiences and how to persuade them to act.

Statistics and big ideas? You’ve got deadlines and a dream? Sounds like my kind of Zoom meeting!



Museums Visited
Smithsonian to OmegaMart
Science, Art, and History inspire me to create.


Countries Lived In
8 Countries Visited
I write from different perspectives and cultures.


Bachelors Degree
TEFL & CompTIA Project+ Certified
I'm organized and love research mixed with communication.


Years In Customer Service
From New York City to Las Vegas
I am helpful and empathetic in even the most hectic situations.


A Few of My Favorite Things


Writing copy is both an art and a science and I’ll keep crafting until you’re enjoying your very own RembrandtEinstein.

-Your Copywriter (Amy Densham)

Marketing ✨ magic ( + 📚 science) — straight to your inbox.