Product Description
Client: TrippyCreations (TrippyyCreations on Etsy)
Audience: On Etsy, Males 20-50 from the US who love psychedelic decor. On Pinterest, mostly women who love the colorful, versatile, easy-to-use features.
Challenge: Expand clientele beyond the nightclub scene into a more mainstream audience. Appeal to 3 groups: event planners, hardcore UV/blacklight-heads, and parents with kids. Also, include SEO for Etsy + Google while mixing the UK spelling of the client with references familiar to her US audience.
Tone: Playful, Friendly, Professional, Inclusive, Direct
Strategy: I wrote separate descriptions tailored to the 3 audiences: Males, Parents + Kids, and General. TrippyCreations could then see which got the most traction on each platform and move forward with that target audience.
I packed the title with keywords for Etsy + Google to get eyes on her products. Then I used the headline to show the benefits to give the audience a reason to keep reading. Across all descriptions, I emphasized the deep benefit of making memories and easy setup but I used different wording and examples to connect with the 3 different audiences.